Wednesday, September 17, 2008

K-Smooth inteview

Check out his feature in the Honolulu Weekly Spinzone out on 9.24


Do club deejays get the respect they deserve? why or why not and how important is respect to you?
Most times i think club dj's don't get that much respect. i think a lot of people out there think it's easy to be a dj. we just play music and it's not really a job. they don't consider we are there to make people dance and have a good time. we constantly have to think of the next song we play and so on. and it's almost impossible to please every person in that club.

Current residencies?
D&B's wed, tsunami's near walmart thurs(i play old sch.), w fri, various places on sat. don't forget to catch me in the mix daily from 5-6pm on Hot 93.9.

What are some cool things about being a club deejay? a radio deejay?
I guess a few things would be we never have to stand in line and i get to cut in the bathroom line if i ever have to use it. it used to be good to be a radio dj because we would get all the new songs on vinyl first before other dj's, but not anymore since it's gone digital.

What is your ideal club crowd to spin for? least ideal?
I love a crowd that just loves to dance. whether it's a brand new song they have never heard of before or old sch., they are at the club to just let loose and dance!

You've been spinning for awhile, when is your job fun and when is it work?
It's fun when your friends are there and partying with you. it's not fun when i'm super tired from a full day of work and still have to dj at a club til 2 in the morning.

What was the trip to Japan like and how did the opportunity come about?
I've been going to dj in japan since 2005. about 2-3 times a year. i did a tour to 5 cities last november and have released 2 mix cd's this past year. one of my good friends from tokyo, dj minoru ujita, wanted to do a party here in hawaii featuring tokyo dj's. so i hooked him up with the kurious production guys who do the w hotel on saturdays. things worked out and they will be doing a party sometime in november here. and in return, they flew us up last month to do parties in tokyo. it was the first time i've been to tokyo in august, and it was sure hot and very humid. but it was fun as always. the club scene is a little different then here. the clubs don't pop till at least 1am. and end at usually 5-6am. the kurious guys were a bit culture shocked, but they too have come to the conclusion that tokyo is one of the greatest places in the world.

Explain the radio business a little for those that complain about hearing the same old songs over and over again?
Radio is all about getting the most listeners at any given time. people are constantly switching from station to station. when they come to Hot 93.9, chances are they will keep it on if they hear their favorite song or a song they like. the songs you hear over and over are proven to be those songs.

Describe the crowd in Japan compared to the Hawaii scene?
The first time i went there to dj back in 2005, i was very surprised. they were very up to date with the music. the crowds were more open to new music then in hawaii. the japanese people are definitly there to dance and party. it's a place for them to let themselves go and unwind.

What's your take on the current state of Hawaii nightlife? What's good about it? What can be improved?
The big clubs are a thing of the past. there are mostly smaller ones or restaurants that turn into a club. the good thing is that i feel it's more intimate and in most cases you can play some stuff that usually wouldn't work in a big club. but i do miss those big clubs and wish there would be more opening up.
and the clubs are only jumping on the weekends. aside from a few places like d&b's wednesdays, there are not a lot of places that are crowded during the week. i remember when sundays and thursdays were big college nights.

Is it easier to please the club crowd today than say five years ago?
I'd have to say yes. old school has definitely made a comeback in the past few years. and more dj's are not afraid to play "pop girly songs" that no cool dj would play before.

How did you become a part of the SUPA GOOD DJs, UNITED 36ERS?
The united 36ers are a crew of dj's, singers, rappers and dancers in tokyo. they are headed by dj minoru ujita, who got me my first gig in japan. the super good dj's are a society of the top dj's in japan. it's run by cho-g, who is also my manager in japan.
Who are YOUR favorite deejays in Hawaii and why? i would have to say all of them. they're keeping music alive and the clubs jumping.

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