Thursday, March 12, 2009


How did you become a DJ?

Back in 1996 0ne of my buddies in high school had borrowed his older brothers turntables and had it set up in his room. He handed me a video and told me to pop it in the VCR (no dvd players back then lol). As soon as the video started he was doing what they were doing “Scratching”. I was so intrigued by the sound of the scratch and intricate cuts that I was hooked as soon as my fingers touched the vinyl and cross fader. From then on I fell in love with the different styles of scratching and thus a scratch DJ was born. It wasn’t until 10yrs ago is when I actually learned to “MIX”. I was djing for a local alternative/rock band and during breaks people asked me to play certain songs and so I started to attempt to mix. It wasn’t the greatest but what the heck they didn’t know the difference. Then I noticed that the dance floor was packed like crazy and that’s when I knew I should focus more on mixing. Since then I never looked back and began strictly mixing instead, all the while adding a little scratch session here and there. Now with the development of the “SERATO” I must say that being a DJ has never been easier.

How did you become known as DJ Idle and how does that name fit your style and personality?

My actual DJ name was DJ Idle handz, it was based on that movie IDLE HANDS. It was about a possessed cut off hand that was causing mayhem and mischief throughout a suburban town. Nonetheless it reminded me of my hands being possessed and going crazy on the cross fader and vinyl (being a scratch dj and all) just tearing up a sound point or a phrase of a song. Later on down the road I heard people and emcees mentioning my name over the mic and it dawned on me, “that’s a long name to say”. So I decided to cut it short and call myself DJ Idle. One of my friends had asked me, “why idle? Do you know what that means?” He began explaining that it’s like a car being stationary in “idle”, your not going anywhere! And my reply to him was “Exactly! This DJ is here to stay” Till this day that name has stuck with me. It has gotten to a point where people don’t even call me by my first name anymore.

When was your first gig? What was that experience like?

I was actually helping a friend of mine do a mobile dj gig and he had asked me to hop on the turntables for a bit. Oh man! I was so nervous that I could not even get the needle on the record. My hands kept shaking and trembling. At that time there was no Serato it was just old school vinyl so I kept skipping the grooves where the breaks where. I actually had to rest my whole forearm on the platter of the turntable in order for me to drop it on to the record. It was a feeling of fear that I will never forget.

How do you think you've improved as a DJ from say a year ago?

I guess for me what has improved with in the past year as a DJ would be my transitioning between songs and song selection. Djing for me has always been a learning process. There are always new styles and methods to learn. I try to absorb as much as I can from other Djs in order to better myself.

Do you have any examples of things you do or habits you have that show that DJ IDLE is a music junkie/nerd?

Music, music and music! I try to download as much as I can when I can so I can have the latest music available. I also share music with other djs and we would just upload each other’s music. We would share links and forums where we can get the latest mixes and remixes of different types of music. I’ve been thru multiple hard drives because my music library keeps growing. Someone once told me, “Your music is what makes you a DJ, having 2 turntables and a mixer don’t mean nothing if you don’t have music! Its like having a gun with no bullets! Chicken nuggets without the sauce! It makes no sense”. So I always arm myself with music and tons of it!


The "mainstream hits" are definitely a DJs best friend, how do you know when its the right time to drop those songs? Is there a wrong time to play them?

I agree. Mainstream hits are a DJs best friend however the DJ has to possess the knowledge to play the crowd. If you know how to play the crowd then you will know when to drop it. For me there is actually no wrong time to play them. If the crowd is feeling it then drop it. You kind of have to fish the crowd a little to see what’s moving them. Personally I spin music that I like to dance to, it helps me get an idea of what mood the crowd is in then I work it from there.

What are your club/promoter affilations?

Currently I am a resident DJ with HIDEF 808 who throws down the sickest parties every Friday night at E&O Trading Company for Lavish Fridays. I also work with TRU21 and Flambukie productions for other events and parties.

What is the strangest most off the wall crazy thing you have seen or been a part DJing at a club?

Ha! One of the most strangest parties that I’ve deejayed was a Foam party. It was an electrical disaster waiting to happen. Let me tell you, you don’t need a rocket scientist to tell you that water and electrical currents don’t mix. Hey, I needed the cash at the time! No body got shocked and the party went pretty well, but will I ever do it again? Nah!

With the closure of E and O's what's next for you and HIDEF?

Ah sad but true, it was a good run but like they say, all great things must come to and end. However I look at this as only the beginning of bigger and better things yet to come. Whatever the boys of HIDEF got planned, I'm game for, these guys are always hustlin'. Some venues are already in the works, its just a matter of when. Always remember when one door closes another one opens!

Until a new venue in night is there for you how will you spend your Friday nights now?
Wow you mean I actually have a Friday night off!LOL. Well until something else comes up i'm most likely going to lay low and enjoy a few friday nights off of the DJ scene for a bit and spend friday nights at home with my son. He's a gamer so we will probably be hittin' the XBOX playing CALL OF DUTY!

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